Sunday, December 3, 2006

ASP.NET Web Requests In Detail


The purpose of this document is to provide a very thorough explanation of what happens during an HTTP request to an ASP.NET page being served up through IIS. It starts out with the basics but then dives in to the gory details, more detail than is probably needed for basic web page development. However a thorough knowledge of this process is invaluable when debugging strange problems, developing ASP.NET custom web controls or developing any sort of web framework.


It is important to understand that HTTP is the only method that a client (e.g. browser) uses to communicate with a web server. The client runs on one computer and the server on another. The client connects a socket to the server and sends an HTTP request. The server does some processing and returns an HTTP response. That's it. IIS Applications, ASP.NET, .NET HTTP Modules, AJAX, Web Services, etc. are all just abstractions on this concept. A deep understanding any web technology requires a good working knowledge of HTTP.

HTTP Request

The good news is that HTTP is quite simple. At heart HTTP has two concepts - a request and a response. Let's look at a sample HTTP request that would be sent from a browser to a web server:

GET /Default.aspx HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, ...
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 ...
Host: localhost
Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=xshitibm0r1nlpawjvwfzn55
Connection: Keep-Alive

The most important line is the first one. It says that we're doing a GET request for the Default.aspx page in the web root. The URL for this request was "http://localhost/Default.aspx". The only other option besides GET is POST. There is some confusion about the difference between GET and POST. Some say that GET is used to get information from the server and POST is used to send information to the server. Although this describes typical usage it is not strictly true. GET often sends information to the server through the "query string". The query string is a list of name-value pairs that are appended to the URL. For example:

GET /Default.aspx?userID=123&password=mydogsname HTTP/1.1

Conversely POST need not send any information to the server and a POST results in a response being sent from the web server just like GET does. This POST is equivalent to the GET example above:

POST /Default.aspx HTTP/1.1

So the only real difference (as far as HTTP is concerned) is the location in the request of the name-value parameters. Most web servers set a max size on the query string though so if large amounts of data need to be sent a POST is usually used. Also note that POST can still specify a query string after the page.

The apparent differences (in usage) of GET and POST exist because of the way a browser initiates them. GET is used when the user types in an URL, clicks a link, or client-side script navigates the browser. In all these cases the query string is explicity and manually created. A POST occurs when an HTML FORM element is "submitted". In this case the browser automatically creates the HTTP header parameters from the INPUT, SELECT and TEXTAREA elements on the page.

HTTP Response

The response the web server sends to the client is similar, in format, to the request.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2005 16:39:39 GMT
X-AspNet-Version: 1.1.4322
Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=xshitibm0r1nlpawjvwfzn55; path=/
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 3579


The first line let's us know that the request was good, the page was found and no errors occurred. If anything had gone wrong (or a redirection occurred, etc) we would have seen something else other than "200 OK".

The Content-Type parameter lets us know what kind of data is being returned. In this case we are told to expect plain old HTML. If we had requested an image file we would have seen "image/jpeg", for example.

Content-Length tells the client exactly how much data to expect to be returned. Two CRLFs in a row designate the end of the header and the start of the response data (in this case HTML).

Web Session

So if HTTP only sends these simple requests and responses how does a web server maintain a session for the user? This is not done by keeping a socket connected to the server. Rather a cookie is used to set and send a session ID number. This is the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie in the GET and response examples. The cookie is set the first time the client makes an HTTP request to the web server. The client then passes the cookie back to the web server on each subsequent HTTP request. If the server doesn't receive an HTTP request from a client in a set amount of time (session time-out) the memory reserved for the session is released and the client will receive a new session ID on the next request. This usually logs the user out of whatever web application s/he was signed into.

HTTP Clients

The Web Browser

The web browser (IE, Firefox, etc.) is by far the most common HTTP client, and one that everyone is familiar with. Every time the user clicks a link, types in an URL, or hits refresh an HTTP request occurs. In fact many HTTP requests usually occur. This is because the browser usually requests an page that returns HTML. The HTML is then parsed to discover links to images, script files, stylesheet files, frame or iframe sources, etc. Each time that one of these links is discovered an entirely separate HTTP request is made to retrieve the item. So, browsing to a page can result in many HTTP requests.

Client-Side Scripting

For an HTTP request to a page that returns HTML it is possible to return code that will be executed in the browser. This is usually Javascript and is contained between script tags. Since this code runs inside the browser it is not possible to access any of the code or memory that exists on the web server (i.e. Session variables). Of course, data that exists on the server side can be sent to the client browser in the HTML response. The copy of the data can then be accessed by the client-side javascript. It is very important to remember that client-side javascript can only have anything happen on the server-side via HTTP GET or POST.


As stated in the Client-Side scripting section an HTTP GET or POST must occur in order for the browser to get data from or cause anything to happen on the server. When the browser does either of these (they're the same remember) the current page is unload and a new page is created from the HTTP HTML response. This results in "browser flash". To avoid this flash and provide what seems like a more seemless client experience the concept of AJAX was developed. AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It allows the javascript coder to invoke special javascript methods that send an HTTP request, read the response and provide the data (typically XML) back to the method callee.

AJAX is often used to invokes a web service method. This involves sending an HTTP POST to the web server that invokes the web service method with the desired parameter values. The data from the response, typically XML (i.e. the web service return type is string and is formatted as XML), is then read from the response. The XML is then loaded into the browser's XML parser.

AJAX is great for some things but there are number of things to think about. Don't do normal navigation through AJAX because the user loses the ability to bookmark, use the "back" button, etc. You should also deal with the possibility that the web server doesn't respond or responds with an HTTP error when invoking a web service method with AJAX.

The Web Server - IIS

IIS administration is an art unto itself. All modern web servers have come a long way from just serving up static web pages. However the interface to the web server hasn't changed (much). The only thing the web server understands is HTTP. It receives an HTTP request, does stuff, then returns a response. This section will detail the "does stuff" part of the process when an ASP.NET page is requested.

The first concept that requires a good understanding is the concept of an IIS application. The best way to understand an IIS application is to think of it like a process ("EXE") that is running on the server. This running EXE is then bound to a particular directory on the server. When a page request comes in to the web server the first thing IIS does is determine what application it needs to pass the request off to. This is done by looking at the URL that was specified in the first line of the HTTP request (see above) and determining the local (e.g. "C:\...") directory the page will be found in. The request is then forwarded to the application that is bound to that directory. The process that is the actual web server is really nothing more than an application broker for HTTP requests. The only thing of significance the web server does is pass a stream to the application that can be used to write the response back to the client.

To illustrate this let's imagine IIS is configured with an application on a directory - "D:\MyStoreWeb". Since this directory is not under "/Inetpub/wwwroot" it would also be configured as a Virtual Directory. We'll say that the alias for this directory is configured as "store". Given this the web server will map the URL "http://serverdnsname/store" to the directory "D:\MyStoreWeb". Note that you can effectively think of an IIS Application and an IIS Virtual Directory as the exact same thing except that a Virtual Directory is (usually) located outside of the "/Inetpub/wwwroot" directory.

The very first time an HTTP request comes in for any file below "http://serverdnsname/store" (e.g. "http://serverdnsname/store/default.aspx") IIS will start the "store" application. This is equivalent to launching an "EXE" on the server. This is why the first hit to an application after the server has been rebooted or "iisreset" has been run is slow. This is also when the System.Web.HttpApplication's Application_Start method is invoked. Usually this is done in the Global.asax file that VS generates. It is important to note that static class members properties are global to the entire application just like they would be in a full-blown windows process. This means that static class members are available to all web request sessions.

You can tell if a folder is an application by opening Internet Services Manager, finding the folder (or Virtual Directory), right-clicking on it and viewing its Properties. On the Directory tab there will be a box labelled "Application name:". If it is greyed out there is no application. If it is enabled and a name (alias) has been specified there is an application. To remove an application click the "Remove" button beside it.

In .NET there is a complicating factor. A "Web.config" file in a web directory also starts a new application. Not a full-blown IIS application that you can see in Internet Serives Manager, but enough of one such that new Application and Session objects are created. This causes a problem commonly encountered when you use Visual Studio to create a new "Web Application" project in a subdirectory under an existing IIS application. VS automatically creates both an IIS application as well as new "Web.config" and "Global.asax" files. All of these must be removed or application and session information from the "parent" application will be unavailable to the "child" application. In VS 2005 this problem goes away because a special web server is used for coding/debugging and IIS is left alone.

Hopefully this all makes sense because now it gets more complicated. What I've stated so far is a simplification of what an IIS application is for the case that you only have pages that are from a single technology base (like .NET). One of the things that can be configured (individually) for an IIS application is what happens for each type of page that is requested. This is done by configuring a file extension to be handled by what is called an ISAPI extension. This is done by clicking the "Configuration" button on the application's "[Virtual] Directory" tab on its "Properties" window. The "App Mappings" tab shows each file extension and what ISAPI dll will handle it. IIS streams the contents of files not listed here (typically .html, .gif, .jpg, etc.) directly back to the client. A file request for any of the files listed here is passed to the specified ISAPI DLL. This DLL then becomes responsible for reading the file (if there even is one, the file doesn't really have to exist at all!), interpretting the contents and writing the response. The complication here is that each DLL maintains it's own application and session objects. So really, a single IIS application can have many application objects and multiple sessions for a client that accesses pages of differing technologies. Each ISAPI dll can independently override the IIS application's session time-out value.

Like a normal windows process an IIS application runs under a windows user account. By default this is a low privilege account like the built-in _IUSR account. In IIS this is configured for the application by clicking the top "Edit" button in "Directory Security" tab in the appplicatio's "Properties" window. "Windows Authentication" can be used to have web requests run under a window account that is specified by the client browser. Otherwise the request is considered anonymous and runs under whatever user is configured as the "Account used for anonymous access". A complication here is .NET. Unless the web request is set to run under "Window Authentication" .NET will use a special, low-privilege account called ASPNET. It will ignore whatever you set as the "Account used for anonymous access" in IIS. To get it to use the account specified here, you need to add the following to your application's "Web.config" file:


Enough about IIS applications already! Let's start looking at what happens when a request for a .NET page (.aspx, .asmx) comes into the web server.


Loading the Page

So far we have:

1. HTTP request for "/store/Default.aspx" hits the web server (IIS).
2. IIS realizes the "store" application handles this request.
3. IIS looks at the "App Mappings" configured for the "store" application and sees that ".aspx" is mapped to "aspnet_isapi.dll".
4. IIS passes the request to "aspnet_isapi.dll" and gives it a stream to write the response back to the client.

What happens next is that "aspnet_isapi.dll" contacts (or starts if this is the first .NET request) a process called "aspnet_wp.exe". The request is then forwarded to this process. Now the hot-potato shuffling of the web request is finally done. "aspnet_wp.exe", referred to as "ASP.NET" from now on, is actually going to do something!

The first thing that ASP.NET does is look at the location of the requested file and find the "nearest" Web.config file for it. "Nearest" being the the first Web.config it finds as it looks in the directories from the file's directory up to the IIS application's web root. If the Web.config file has been loaded and a .NET application has been created for it, ASP.NET uses this one, otherwise a new one is created. In .NET this application object is of type System.Web.HttpApplication and is generally accessed via a Page's Application property.

Next it finds or creates the session object for the web request. This object is of type HttpSessionState and is usually accessed by the Page's Session property.

The next step is important to understand when debugging. ASP.NET looks in the application folder's "bin" directory and loads all the DLLs into memory. As it loads each DLL it finds all the namespaces in them and (I'm assuming) stores them in an easily referenced list. Note that this loading of DLLs only occurs when the application is starting up (on the first page request).

The next thing ASP.NET checks (OK, I'm sure it's doing a LOT more, but none of it is relevant here) is if any "HTTP Modules" have been added to the application. An HTTP module is a way of intercepting the request at this stage, before ASP.NET goes nuts and starts actually parsing the file, running the code behind, etc. An HTTP module can take over the response stream and preempt "normal" ASP.NET processing. HTTP modules are added to the application in the Web.config file, for example:

Company.Product.Web.Module.HttpModules" />

The "type" attribute of the add element should be read as:

type="full class name, class namespace"

Anyway, let's ignore HTTP modules or at least pretend that one is not intercepting our web request. The next thing that happens is that ASP.NET actually reads the contents of the requested file. It's going to categorize the file into one of two types:

1. A plain, boring, static content page.
2. An ASP.NET page with web controls and server-side processing code.

It does this by looking for a line with an @Page directive. If no such line is found ASP.NET assumes the page has nothing but boring static content and immediately renders the page contents to the response stream. Otherwise it starts processing the server side directives. An (ASP.NET 1.1) @Page directive might look like:

<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Default.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="Company.Product.Web.Module.DefaultPage" %>

The "language" and "Codebehind" attributes are self-explanatory. "AutoEventWireup" can be ignored for now. It's the "Inherits" attribute that is really important when trying to solve problems. This value specifies the full namespace-qualified class name that handles this page/file. Everything before the last "." is the namespace of the class. Remember the list of namespaces that ASP.NET loaded from the DLLs in the "bin" directory. ASP.NET will now use this list to find the DLL that contains the class specified in the "Inherits" attribute. The class can then be instantiated and used to handle the page request. If ASP.NET could not find the namespace, or the class in the namespace, it will write the following, commonly seen, error to the response stream:

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'Company.Product.Web.NotDefault'.

So, "could not load type" means "could not find the DLL, the namespace, or the class". When you get this error first check that the DLL for the page is in the web app's "bin" directory. Next check that the class name specified in the "Inherits" attribute is correct. If that seems good check the namespace carefully. Use ILDASM to make sure the DLL in the "bin" really does contain the class. If all this seems correct then it is probably a dependency issue. A "could not load type" type error may also occur when the .NET framework cannot find a DLL/namespace/class that the DLL is complaining about references. In this case use ILDASM to identify the dependencies and perform the same file/namespace/class analysis for each dependency. If all else fails make sure the "bin" directory you are looking at is indeed correct for the application - perhaps another IIS application or Web.config file is causing another "bin" directory to be used.

Before going on to parsing the page there is one more thing the framework does that should be mentioned. This is the creation of the HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects that are commonly accessed via the Page's Request and Response properties respectively. The creation of the HttpRequest includes the populating of the Form (if POST) and QueryString (if "?..." in URL) collections.

Parsing the Page & Creating the Controls

ASP.NET is now ready to start parsing the page's file. A key part to understanding this process is to understand that the "Inherits" attribute of the @Page directive specifies a class that must inherit from System.Web.UI.Page. This class contains a property called Controls that is of type System.Web.UI.ControlCollection. This collection contains a list of instances of classes that inherit from System.Web.UI.Control. In other words, an ASP.NET Page contains a list of sub-controls.

This Control class has a method called Render that writes HTML back to the response stream. So when it comes time (we'll get there!) to send the page's HTML back to the client ASP.NET iterates through the Control instances and calls the Render method on each one. Essentially the page doesn't contain any HTML of it's own - all the HTML is contained in it's sub-controls.

Although it is possible to add controls to a Page's Controls collection directly this is seldomly done. ASP.NET automatically populates this collection for you. To illustrate what it does, let's consider the following example:

<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Default.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="Company.Product.Web.Module.DefaultPage" %>

Since plain old HTML can be rendered directly to the output stream ASP.NET will parse HTML text blocks into a string that is assigned to an instance of System.Web.UI.LiteralControl. This LiteralControl instance is then added to the Page's Controls collection. When the parser comes across an element that has an attribute called "runat" that is set to "server" (referred to as a server-side control) it does not use a LiteralControl. Instead it looks at the element name to determine what control type to instantiate. In the case of our example the parser will find the asp:textbox element. Element names prepended with "asp:" are known by the ASP.NET framework as controls to be found in the System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace. So ASP.NET will instantiate an instance of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox class (notice that ASP.NET is case-insenstive here). The attributes of a server-side control element are assigned to properties of the class instance.

When ASP.NET is finished parsing our example page the Page's Controls will contain the following items:

1. LiteralControl instance, .Text = "html ... User Name:"
2. System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox instance, .ID = "loginIdTextBox", .Width = "50px"
3. LiteralControl instance, .Text = "

... /html"

Remember that each Control in the collection has a method called Render. This method renders the control to the response stream (i.e. renders HTML back to the browser). A LiteralControl simply renders its Text. A TextBox control obviously does a bit more since it will need to examine its ID, Width, etc. properties to determine what it should write to the response stream - e.g. "".

This Controls collection is now programmatically available in in any of the Page's event handlers (e.g. Init, Load, etc. more about these later). It would be possible to iterate through the collection, find the TextBox with and ID of "loginIdTextBox", cast it to local TextBox variable and manipulate any of its properties. This is seldomly done though because ASP.NET provides a mechanism that allows the controls to be referenced in a much nicer fashion.

This is done by creating a protected class variable of the type implied by the HTML element ("asp:textbox" = System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox). The name of the class variable must match the ID of the HTML element. After the Controls collection has been populated ASP.NET iterates through it and sets the protected appropriate class variable for each Control. LiteralControl instances are ignored since they don't have an ID. So for our example our "codebehind" class will have the following line:

protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox loginIdTextBox;

If, for example, we want to set the text of the loginID input box in the Page's Load event handler we could do the following:

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.loginIdTextBox.Text = "test";

Note that ASP.NET does not require a server-side control with an ID to have a corresponding class variable.

Page Lifecycle

Now that we're done the parsing stage we're going to enter the stages that the developer gets to intercept and insert custom code into. First let's recap the stages so far:

1. Load/create .NET Application, Session, Response and Request objects for the request.
2. Find page file.
3. Find page DLL file.
4. Instantiate Page class instance.
5. Parse page, populate the Page instance's Controls collection, set the class control variables.

The next stages are:

6. PreInit
7. Init
8. Load ViewState
9. Load
10. PreRender
11. PreRenderComplete
12. Render
13. Unload


Introduced in ASP.NET 2.0 this method can be used to set themes programmatically. Note that if the page for this method has a master page associated with it the controls for the page will not be available (i.e. will be null) in this stage.

The Init stage begins with the execution of the Page's OnInit method. This method is virtual so it can be overridden in our Page class derivative.
Load ViewState

To understand what ViewState is and what it is good for we need to remember that while the user is looking at an ASPX page nothing about the page is "remembered" on the web server. In other words, after ASP.NET is done loading a page, setting up all the control objects, and finally writing the response stream, all the information about the page/request is released. If the user causes the page to be POSTed back to the server the entire page object and all its controls must be entirely rebuilt.

Suppose for example a page contains a server-side data list control with a SortBy property. When the user clicks a column header a POST occurs to set the SortBy property and thereby render the data list sorted by that column. Now let's say that the user has clicked on the "Name" column. A POST occurs, the SortBy property is set to "Name" and the response that is written back contains the data, sorted by name. All is good. Then the user makes some changes to the filtering criteria for the list, which causes the page to be POSTed back to the server. The Page object is rebuilt from scratch, including the controls. This means that the SortBy property will be set to whatever its default value is. The "Name" sorting has been lost.

In pre-ViewState days (ASP) we would have solved this problem by storing the sort clause in a POST-able HTML element like INPUT (type="hidden"). We would then have set the value of this element before POSTing, read the value out of the Request.Form object and manually set the (equivalent of the) SortBy property. Saving the state of all these properties was time-consuming and laborious.

What ViewState is then is a mechanism to have control properties automatically be saved and restored across HTTP POSTs. So the control writer, instead of reading/writing a property from/to a class variable, like so:

public string SortBy
return this.sortBy;
this.sortBy = value;

would read/write the value from/to ViewState as follows:

public string SortBy
return this.ViewState["sortby"].ToString();
this.ViewState["sortby"] = value;

When using the ViewState property of the page values are stored across HTTP POSTs. An important point to stress is that ASP.NET loads information from ViewState and sets the appropriate controls' properties between the Init and Load stages. So if you set a control property in the Init stage it may get overwritten by a ViewState value and therefore be different in the Load stage.

If you're curious to know how ASP.NET does the magic behind ViewState read on. Otherwise skip to the next section.

In order to save the ViewState information that has been set ASP.NET writes it to the response stream. It does this by adding an HTML INPUT element (type="hidden") to the page. This element is given the name "__VIEWSTATE". The Page's ViewState object is then serialized as a string of " value" pairs (e.g."datalist1.sortby=name&datalist1.userid=123"). This string is then base 64-encrypted and given as the value for the "__VIEWSTATE" element. When the page is POSTed back this "__VIEWSTATE" is POSTed with it. ASP.NET can then retreive its value, decrypt it and set the appropriate control properties.


The Init stage begins with the execution of the Page's OnLoad method. This method is virtual so it can be overridden in our Page class derivative. However it is more common, and better practice, to set the Page's Load event handler in the OnInit method. When creating a new page Visual Studio does this for you and names the event handler method "Page_Load". This method is the recommended place for doing normal page/control initialization.


Overriding the Page.OnPreRender method or handling the PreRender event allows for code to be executed just before the page/control is about to be rendered.


This method was introduced in ASP.NET 2.0. It's purpose is to provide an event handler that can be used to do work immediately after asynchronous events have finished. See Asynchronous Calls in a Web Page for more information.


This is the stage where the page and all its sub-controls are rendered to the response stream. For a page this method is implemented by the ASP.NET framework and does all the work for you. For a custom control you will need to override and implement the Render method to have your control render the appropriate HTML.


Now everything about the HTTP request is released starting with the ASP.NET page and controls and going all the up the stack to the ISAPI extension and possibly even the socket. Nothing about the request remains except a line in the web server's log file.


At this point your brain is recoiling from knowing WAY too much about an ASP.NET page request. If you actually managed to read the whole document through at once you will probably be suffering from information overload. That's OK, just refer to the document as needed. However, if you're going to be doing custom web control or web framework development I encourage you to know as much about this stuff as possible. Reread as necessary until you understand it all.